To assist GLO-INDIA’s Executive Committee in specific activities, there will be an Advisory Board, a Government Relations Committee, a Human Rights Commission, a Chamber of Commerce, a Cultural Council, a Glo-India Foundation, a Health Council, a Seniors’ Council, a Women’s Council, a Youth Council, a Media Council, a Credentials Committee, an Education and Research Council, and a Secretariat headed by a General Secretary.
Global Convention: GLO-INDIA will organize once in three years a Global Convention of the Diaspora Indians at a place and time agreed upon by most of the members of the Executive Committee, where major issues of concern to the Indian Diaspora will be discussed. The Global Convention will provide a platform for the exchange of ideas and experiences by Diaspora Indians from various parts of the world. It may adopt resolutions expressing support or concern for Diaspora Indians on issues that interest them. It will make recommendations to the General Body of GLO-INDIA on issues that require further study, action, or GLO-INDIA commitment. It will be GLO-INDIA’s policy to encourage broad participation in the GLO-INDIA Conventions. All organizations of Diaspora Indians whose objectives and principles are consistent with the objectives and principles of GLO-INDIA will be invited to participate in GLO-INDIA Conventions. The Chairman (or in his absence the Vice-Chair) of GLO-INDIA will preside at the meetings of the Global Convention, and the President of GLO-INDIA will convene the meetings. The agenda for the Global Convention will be prepared by the Executive Committee in consultation with the Chairman and Vice-Chair of GLO-INDIA. It will be open to any participating member organization to suggest items that should be placed on the agenda for discussion at the Global Convention. All participants of the Global convention will pay for their own travel and other expenses, save in exceptional cases where the Executive Committee may decide to pay itself.
General Body: The General Body will be comprised of the Global Life Members and the Regional and Country Board Members of GLO-INDIA. The General Body will be the main policymaking body of GLO-INDIA. The General Body will use Global Life Member-based proportional representation to elect the President-Elect, Vice Presidents, and other members of the Executive Committee from among its members. The General Body will also appoint the members of the Credentials Committee, Advisory Board, Women’s Council, Seniors Council, Youth Council, Cultural Council, Health Council, Commission on Human Rights, etc. The General Body meeting will be chaired by the Chairman (or in his absence, the Vice-Chair) of GLO-INDIA. The General Body will discuss and approve the annual budget and accounts prepared by the Executive Committee. The Executive Committee will be responsible for giving shape to the guidelines given by the Global Convention and will take appropriate action to implement various resolutions passed by the Convention. It will meet at least once every 2 years at a place and time decided by the Executive Committee in consultation with the Chairman of GLO-INDIA. In the case of countries from which no Country Board Member comes to attend the Global Convention, the General Body, on the recommendations of the Credentials Committee, will nominate a particular local association or an individual to represent the interest of the community in that country. Delegates from GLO-INDIA chapters and national organizations can attend the General Body Meetings, but they would not have any voting rights. To qualify for representation in the General Body meetings, the GLO-INDIA regional and national organizations and chapters should be registered/incorporated, non-profit making, non-partisan, and non-sectarian. They should subscribe to the objectives and principles of GLO-INDIA, have a written constitution, and follow GLO-INDIA Chapter initiative documents. They should have completed one year of existence at the time of application. The formula for representation is given in Appendix No. II. In case a country does not have a GLO-INDIA chapter or a national organization, the General Body, on the recommendations of the Credentials Committee will nominate a particular association or an individual to represent the interest of the Indian Diaspora in that country. Such nominated representatives will not have the right to vote. An organization or individuals selected to represent a country in the GLO-INDIA General Body will hold that position for a maximum period of four years.
Executive Committee: The Executive Committee will be responsible for the ongoing work of GLO-INDIA between the meetings of the GLO-INDIA General Body. It will execute all the decisions of the General Body and prepare all meetings. The Executive Committee will consist of the President, Executive Vice-President, and seven vice presidents, one for each of the following 7 regions:
- Africa
- Central and South America
- Europe
- Middle East
- North America
- Oceania and the Pacific
- Southeast Asia
All the members of the Executive Committee including the office bearers who will be elected by the Executive Committee from amongst its membership, for a maximum period of 4 years, and they will hold their offices until new members or office bearers are elected to replace them. Individuals cannot be re-elected to the same position more than twice.
The Executive Committee will report to the General Body and to the Global Convention on the activities of GLO-INDIA and provide guidance to the General Secretary and other staff of the GLO-INDIA. It will meet at least once every 2 years at a place and time to be decided by itself. It will prepare annual budgets and accounts and present them to the General Body for approval.
The Chairman will be the head of the organization. He/she will preside over the meetings of the Global Convention, General Body, and International Advisory Board. He/she will represent GLO-INDIA to third parties in accordance with the policies of GLO-INDIA. He/she will lead all deputations and delegations of which he/she is a member. He/she will provide overall leadership for the GLO-INDIA Conventions and the General Body and direct the Executive Committee in convening the GLO-INDIA Conventions and meetings of the General Body. He/she will be consulted by the President of GLO-INDIA on all important matters.
The Vice-Chairman will assist the Chair of the organization. In the absence of the Chair, the Vice-Chairman will preside over the meetings of the Global Convention, General Body, and International Advisory Board, represent GLO-INDIA to third parties in accordance with the policies of GLO-INDIA, and lead all deputations and delegations of which he/she is a member. In the absence of the Chairman, the Vice-Chair will provide overall leadership for the GLO-INDIA Conventions and the General Body and direct the Executive Committee in convening the GLO-INDIA Conventions and meetings of the General Body and will be consulted by the President of GLO-INDIA on all important matters.
President will be the equivalent of the Chief Executive Officer of the organization. He/she will be responsible for the planning and execution of programs and activities of GLO-INDIA and liaison with other organizations engaged in similar activities. He/she will present the state of the organization reports to the General Body. He/she will consult the Chairman and Vice-Chair on all important matters and keep them fully informed about the activities of GLO-INDIA.
Executive Vice President will perform the functions of the President in his/her absence. He/she will be responsible for preparing and presenting financial reports at Executive Committee and General Body meetings and will assist the President in raising funds for GLO-INDIA.
Regional Vice-Presidents will be elected by the General Body, based on the recommendations of the GLO-INDIA national organizations of the region at a special meeting convened for the purpose. In case they are unable to make a unanimous recommendation, the General Body will nominate a suitable person as Vice-President of that region. The Regional Vice-Presidents will be responsible for developing and implementing plans of activities for their regions in accordance with GLO-INDIA policies. They will provide leadership at regional levels and will be responsible for stimulating the creation of national GLO-INDIA organizations in each country in their region where Diaspora Indians are residing.
General Secretary will oversee the day-to-day activities of GLO-INDIA under the guidance of the Chairman and President. He/she will also be the Secretary of the Executive Committee. He/she will be responsible for communications with members of the Executive Committee and with others interested in the activities of GLO-INDIA. He/she will also be required to give shape to the decisions of the Global Convention and General Body, report periodically on the activities of GLO-INDIA, and assist the President, Vice-Presidents, and others in the realization of the objectives of GLO-INDIA. The General Secretary will be appointed for 2 years by the Executive Committee in consultation with the Chair and Vice-Chair. The appointment can be renewed for a second term.
International Coordinators and/or Regional Coordinators will be appointed by the Chairman (or Vice-Chair) and President at the suggestion of the Executive Committee for a period of 2 years. Appointment can be renewed for one more term. President may give specific tasks to these coordinators and for initiating new GLO-INDIA chapters.
The Credentials Committee will consist of seven members, including a chairperson representing different regions of the membership of the GLO-INDIA for a period of 6 years. They will be nominated by the Executive Committee and approved by the General Body. The main task of the Credential Committee will be to verify the credentials of organizations seeking representation in the GLO-INDIA Executive Council and to make recommendations to the General Body. It will also be the responsibility of this Committee to identify groups of Diaspora Indians who are not represented at the global meetings of GLO-INDIA and to initiate measures to secure their representation in due course.
The Board of Directors will jointly supervise the activities of GLO-INDIA. The powers, duties, and responsibilities of a board of directors will be determined by government regulations (including the Federal and New Jersey State laws. The board of directors will set out the overall strategic direction for GLO-INDIA. The GLO-INDIA Chairman and the Board of Directors will constitute the supreme governing body, and board members will be chosen by the board itself.
Advisory Board will include up to twenty individuals who have helped the Indian Diaspora communities in their countries or regions and who are able to contribute to the development of the GLO-INDIA. The members of the International Advisory Board will be nominated by the General Body on the recommendation of the Executive Committee. The Chairman of GLO-INDIA will chair the meetings of the Advisory Board. The members of the Advisory Board will be invited to GLO-INDIA Conventions and will be kept informed about the activities of GLO-INDIA. The President of GLO-INDIA will be an ex-officio member of the Advisory Board. The Advisory Board members will be expected to advise and help in fund-raising for GLO-INDIA. The Advisory Board will be expected to create and maintain a GOPIO Foundation trust fund to be used for any emergency affecting GLO-INDIA and or Diaspora Indians.
League of Legends includes stalwarts whose name is synonymous with community service. They have achieved something great, which makes them the most revered and they will remain so.
The Chamber of Commerce will cater to the Indian Diaspora business community, facilitate networking, and promote collaborations in the “world without borderless” that we live in today. It will be headed by a chairperson elected by the General Body for a term of 2 years and a maximum of 2 terms. The Board Members of the Chamber of Commerce will be appointed by the Chairperson in consultation with the GLO-INDIA Executive Committee.
GLO-INDIA Foundation will be headed by a chairperson elected by the General Body for a term of 2 years and a maximum of 2 terms. Members of the GLO-INDIA Foundation will be appointed by the Chairperson in consultation with the GLO-INDIA Executive Committee. The GLO-INDIA Foundation members will be expected to advise and help in fundraising for GLO-INDIA. They will be expected to maintain and grow a GOPIO trust fund that can be used for any emergency affecting GLO-INDIA and or Diaspora Indians.
The Government Relations Committee will work with the governments of the world. It will be headed by a chairperson elected by the General Body for a term of 2 years and a maximum of 2 terms. Members of the Government Relations Committee will be appointed by the chairperson in consultation with the GLO-INDIA Executive Committee.
Commission on Human Rights is a special organ of GLO-INDIA that will monitor the observance of human rights for communities of Diaspora Indians and initiate appropriate action in case of gross violations. It will consist of 7 members who will be representing the various regions. The Commission will furnish periodical reports to various other bodies of GLO-INDIA. The Chairman and members of the Commission will be appointed by the General Body for a maximum of 4 years. The Chairman will be the head of the Commission and will represent it to third parties.
Cultural Council will work with the performing arts community and language teachers and facilitate networking and promotion of Indian Diaspora artists and language teachers. It will be headed by a chairperson elected by the General Body for a term of 2 years and a maximum of 2 terms. The members of the Cultural Council will be appointed by the Chairperson in consultation with the GLO-INDIA Executive Committee.
Women’s Council will work with the Indian Diaspora women. It will be headed by a chairperson elected by the General Body for a term of 2 years and a maximum of 2 terms. Members of the Women’s Council will be appointed by the Chairperson in consultation with the GLO-INDIA Executive Committee.
Seniors Council will work with the Indian Diaspora seniors. It will be headed by a chairperson elected by the General Body for a term of 2 years and a maximum of 2 terms. Members of the Seniors Council will be appointed by the Chairperson in consultation with the GLO-INDIA Executive Committee.
Youth Council will work with the Indian Diaspora youth. The Youth Council will be headed by a chairperson elected by the General Body for a term of 2 years and a maximum of 2 terms. Members of the Youth Council will be appointed by the Chairperson in consultation with the GLO-INDIA Executive Committee.
Health Council will work with the Indian Diaspora medical professionals. It will be headed by a chairperson elected by the General Body for a term of 2 years and a maximum of 2 terms. Members of the Health Council will be appointed by the Chairperson in consultation with the GLO-INDIA Executive Committee.
Education & Research Council will work with Indian Diaspora scholars, researchers, and education professionals. It will be headed by a chairperson elected by the General Body for a term of 2 years and a maximum of 2 terms. Members of the Education & Research Council will be appointed by the Chairperson in consultation with the GLO-INDIA Executive Committee.
The Media Council will work with the global media. It will be headed by a chairperson elected by the General Body for a term of 2 years and a maximum of 2 terms. Members of the Media Council will be appointed by the Chairperson in consultation with the GLO-INDIA Executive Committee.